
2017 Grand Prix Schedule Announced - GP Vegas {Legacy, Modern, Standard}
2017 Grand Prix Schedule Announced - GP… Aug 04,2016

WOW!!!  Wizards recently announced the 2017 Grand Prix Schedule and it is HUGE {as Donald Trump would say}.  Check out the events here. Vintage Magic will be vending at GP Vegas 2017 and we plan bring it big at the…

SMR releases 2016 San Diego Comic Con Edition featuring the 1993 Alpha MTG Core Set
SMR releases 2016 San Diego Comic Con… Jul 08,2016

Recently, PSA: Professional Sports Authenticator monthly publication SMR: Sports Market Report published a story about the Alpha Magic: The Gathering Core Set.  This issue was released in correlation with the San Diego Comic Con this month along with other premier…

Vintage Magic will be Vending @ GP Columbus 2016 | #GPCOL
Vintage Magic will be Vending @ GP… May 27,2016

Vintage Magic will be Vending @ GP Columbus 2016 | June 10th to 12th, 2016.  We will be offering for sale graded magic cards, original artwork, singles, sealed boxes, misprints/oddities and more! At the Vintage Magic Table, you will find the largest selection…

Vintage Magic will be Vending @ GP Los Angeles 2016 | #GPLA
Vintage Magic will be Vending @ GP… May 15,2016

Vintage Magic will be Vending @ GP Los Angeles 2016 | May 20th to 22nd, 2016.  We will be offering for sale graded magic cards, original artwork, singles, sealed boxes, misprints/oddities and more! At the Vintage Magic Table, you will find the largest…

Wizards releases update on the Ban & Restricted List
Wizards releases update on the Ban &… Apr 04,2016

Wizards of the Coast announced an update on the Ban & Restricted List today. The only change for Vintage was Lodestone Golem is now restricted.  No changes were made for Legacy. Vintage World Champion and Vintage Magic Writer Paul Mastriano has written…