For many Magic Players, the release of a new set brings excitement in many forms. From the first spoiler through prerelease weekend, they find endless delights in new cards. Those cards will shape their Friday Nights for months to come,…
For many Magic Players, the release of a new set brings excitement in many forms. From the first spoiler through prerelease weekend, they find endless delights in new cards. Those cards will shape their Friday Nights for months to come,…
It was just a few short months ago that I was slinging Shops in the top 4 of the Vintage Championship. If you had asked me at the time what the best deck in Vintage was I’d have told you…
Last week the DCI made major amendments to the Eternal Banned and Restricted lists. VINTAGE: CHALICE OF THE VOID: is restricted DIG THROUGH TIME: is restricted. THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE:is unrestricted. LEGACY: THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE: is restricted. BLACK VISE: is unrestricted.…
THE POST CHAMPS METAGAME Author: Brian DeMars Last weekend I had the privilege to play in the largest Vintage tournament that I’ve ever played in. The event was the 2015 Vintage Championship at Eternal Weekend in Philadelphia and it set…
A MESSAGE FROM DANIEL CHANG: I wanted to start out and thank everyone who has supported my business throughout the years. I’m blessed to be able to wake up every day and do something I’m extremely passionate about. Thank you…