Vintage Magic has over 23 years of experience consulting with clients all over the world. Before beginning your FREE consultation, please read the details of the consultation process so you know what to expect.
What does Vintage Magic provide consultation(s) for?
• Clients looking to invest in Magic: The Gathering art, collectibles or rarities
• Clients looking to invest in Pokemon, collectibles or rarities
• Clients seeking advice regarding their estate [inheritance or loss of family member]
• Clients seeking professional advice on to collect Magic: The Gathering
• Clients looking to sell their Magic: The Gathering collection or deck(s)
• Clients seeking more information on Vintage Magic Appraisal Services
• Clients seeking more information on Vintage Magic Consignment Services
• Clients seeking more information on Vintage Magic Deck & Set Collector Fulfillment Service
• Clients seeking more information on Vintage Magic Artist Brokerage Service
What does Vintage Magic NOT provide consultation(s) for?
• NON-MTG (Yu-Gi-Oh!, Sportscards, etc…) related collectibles
• Stolen Merchandise
We look forward to learning more about the history of your collecting/playing experiences.
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